jlo from the burbs but now in mexico

Friday, May 12, 2006

well, here i go again

so hey, i went to isla mujeres this island off of the coast of cancun last weekend because my grandparents have a time share there and i was basically a beach bum for three days straight. they couldnt put me in thier time share so they got me my own hotel room. it was the first time i had air conditioning in 5 months. i didnt even use it though because it wasnt that hot there. i got to snorkel a bunch too but the fish were attacking me. now i am getting ready to go to belize for another month. i am never going to get to leave. it is strange, i want to come back to the us but i also want to stay and have more adventures. i like it a lot here. it has grown on me. but i had to pack all the stuff i wont be using in belize and drop it off at my directors office. i am leaving on sunday for belize to spend time for a week doing who knows what before my program starts. i am so lazy now, but whatev, its not that bad. so i dont think im going to have good internet or phone connection for about a month so if i dont get back to you fast thats why. im going to be in the jungle...but ill be back soon enough and it will be great to finally come back. ok bye