jlo from the burbs but now in mexico

Monday, January 23, 2006

interesting weekend

so i went to the downtown to hear this guy speak and i found out that he is sub-commander marcos, the leader of the zapatista movement in chiapas. never thought i would be spending a friday night listening to him speak ever. i took a little movie with my digital camera and it is pretty cool. he wore his ski mask during the entire speach. and right before, there was this weird ceremony where they lit things on fire and made bird noises. i got pooped on by a bird too, interesting day. went to the beach on saturday at progreso and that was fun. didnt get burnt which is good. i ate this fish that was cooked in a banana leaf. i didnt know that bananas had leaves but i guess they do. then i went to the movie theater and saw the movie that is with jim carey about dick and jane. the name of it is spanish is las locuras de dick y jane. it is funny the translation of english things here. another week of class starting but i cant complain because my week of class is just monday through thursday. i always get a 3 day weekend. thats about it for now, ok bye


  • Jordan! My Mexican friend Kabexa (AKA Carlos) went to that rally too! Have you met him yet? He has really skinny legs and is an Anthro major at la Facultad. He's got longer har. I AM sojealous you saw Marcos!!! Also - watch the bird poop. Were you in the Centro? Stay away from the trees, dude.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:32 PM  

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